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Ring classifications are based on centrality, importance, and goodness, in roughly that order.
An articulation of a new program for improving the way we do science, based on the mapping of human intuition and the cataloguing of patterns of scientific cognition.
Companion 1:
A preliminary analysis of the structure of scientific institutions, meant to pave the way for future analyses of how to improve them (i.e., do metascience).
Companion 2:
An articulation of two different 'modes' of science, which I polemically call boring and interesting science, along with a characterization of these modes through an analysis of the formation of scientific ideas employing metaphors of rationation, solvation, and the alchemical Great Work.
Frame Hermeneutics and Conceptual Perspectives
A model of how we interpret writing and other sorts of media based on the fractal creation and gluing together of mental images (frames), with applications to mathematics.
Here, I motivate the notion of the ideatic realm, or the realm of their ideas and their necessary interplay, give a couple of examples of our interaction with this realm, and then push back on the notion that ideas themselves have volition (which is what other people approaching this idea tend to say), instead casting ideatic phenomena as primarily mechanical processes fueled by human cognition.
Virtuality is what I call the property of recreating sensuous experience, and plays a significant and underappreciated role in our phenomenological sense of self. I examine this virtual self by reference to meditative experience and a bit of neuroscience.
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